Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I believe you will find that the issue here has more to do with what Mr. Sorbara had mentioned as he attempted to present to the committee that there was an issue from us indicating that this particular word should not be mentioned. At that particular point, instead of indicating that, from everything you have ever heard, such a word would not have been considered unparliamentary....
Had you mentioned that to Mr. Sorbara, we would not be in this position at this point in time. The problem is that if we don't stop that the moment it is presented, then we can get into a situation where anybody can challenge a word. Unless they are challenged back by the chair to indicate that, sorry, that is not an unparliamentary phrase, then we will get into this situation constantly.
This is in order to help the committee. If you had addressed what Mr. Sorbara had said and indicated to him that nowhere in any precedent did the word “duplicitous” sound as though it would be unparliamentary, then I don't believe we would be in this position. I think the issue isn't so much related to the things Ms. Dabrusin said. It was because of the intervention from Mr. Sorbara. That is what we are dealing with.