Thank you, Mr. Chair. I note that the order adopted by the House.... You read the section about what would happen at 8:30, which in my view is quite draconian, but in any event, it was adopted by the House.
The House order also says that the committee shall meet at 6:30 p.m. You, of course, started this meeting substantially after 6:30 p.m., which is a violation of the House order, as I think you'll have to acknowledge. Is it your intention to allow the full two hours envisioned by the House, or do you intend to interrupt proceedings at 8:30, which would limit the clause-by-clause debate further than what was the intention of House?
Again, you were supposed to start this meeting at 6:30. You did not start it at 6:30. Will you interrupt the meeting at 8:30, limiting the time for debate, or will you allow the full two hours, as envisioned by the House, for debate on clause-by-clause?