Thank you, Mr. Dreeshen, for your point of order.
I'll remind colleagues, before I move to Ms. Dabrusin, who is next.... It might be next meeting, Ms. Dabrusin. Thank you for your patience.
This was raised previously and is for all members. Number one, for the interpreters to be able to interpret, there needs to be one individual speaking at a time, so it's clear for them to hear what's happening. At a previous meeting, when asked, the interpreters raised this as a concern. As chair, I want to make sure that everybody who works here in this committee is working in a safe environment, particularly the interpreters, who are doing a tremendous job of interpretation, and that it's clear for them to hear and we don't get a number of people speaking at the same time. Concerns have been raised previously.
I think I'm clear on that. If the clerks get any more information, they can provide it to me moving forward, and I will bring it to committee.
Folks, we're approaching our time.
Thank you for working hard at today's committee.
Thank you, Mr. Angus, for your patience while concluding your remarks.
We will proceed at the next meeting with Ms. Dabrusin, who will start us off.
Have a great day. The meeting is suspended.
[The meeting was suspended at 1:01 p.m., Monday, November 20]
[The meeting resumed at 4:36 p.m., Wednesday, November 22]