Okay. You know what? I keep the names on the list. As Mr. Patzer provided earlier, sometimes members step out to maybe use the washroom or to get a glass of water. They may not be here, but they're still on the list. If their turn comes up and they're here, we'll acknowledge those members. I want to make sure that those members do have the ability to participate in debate.
Mr. Dreeshen, I'm still going to keep you here. When that comes up, I can take you off at the time. You can decline at that point in time and another member can proceed who has raised their name after you. Thank you for your point of order.
Now, we have dealt with all these points of order.
We have a point of order. I want to go to Mr. Patzer on his original point of order so that we can finish that. Then we will have dealt with all the points of order, other than Ms. Stubbs' new point of order, and we can proceed with Ms. Dabrusin having the floor.