Thank you.
Mr. O'Regan, what you're saying sounds an awful lot like what we hear from big oil companies, which would have us believe that it is technologically possible to have low-carbon oil in the near future.
When I talk to experts, they all tell me that's a pipe dream. Money is being invested in carbon capture strategies, but it's a pipe dream. These resources are being wasted instead of being used to develop low-carbon energy. According to numerous analyses, we are one of the countries that invests the least in clean energy.
In my opinion, low-carbon oil is a bit like poutine during a diet. Quebeckers like poutine. But if you're on a diet, you don't eat poutine. No one is going to claim that there's such a thing as low-calorie poutine. That's stupid, and it doesn't work like that. It's the same with oil. There will never be low-carbon oil.
Having said that—