I think he was actually from Trinity and was going to Mongolia, but I hear your point.
Nothing can happen in the Atlantic Accord legislation without it being mirrored legislatively by the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to the letter. Nothing can happen to the industry without the province's approval. That has always been the way of the accord, and that is probably, singularly, its greatest achievement. It will continue to provide us that stability, and it will continue to provide us that flexibility.
I cannot speak to investors' decisions on oil and gas. I can tell you that oil and gas off our shores is certainly a capital-intensive endeavour. Anybody who has stared at Hebron or currently stares at West White Rose knows it is a lot of money. Gulf oil is much cheaper, but the one thing you cannot question is that the greater the stability and certainty you provide investors, the greater investment you will realize.
The more we disparage investors around this table and unnecessarily obstruct this legislation, the far greater the chances we're going to be looking at a lot more uncertainty than that.