Thank you, Mr. Chair.
On behalf of the Prince Edward Island Fishermen's Association and the 1,360 captains we represent, I would like to thank the Standing Committee on Natural Resources for the opportunity to present today on aspects of Bill C-49.
We understand the purpose of the proposed legislation is threefold: form a new regulatory scheme, establish a ministerial decision-making process and make regulations to prohibit commencement or continuation of petroleum or renewable energy projects.
Although the current jurisdictions referenced in the bill refer to Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia, it is important to note that other Atlantic provinces, such as Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, can be directly impacted by damage to the marine environment or marine aquatic life in the gulf region.
It is critical that an overarching board be aware of the following concerns that must be addressed when assessing either ocean-based petroleum or energy projects. The following is a list of preliminary concerns around offshore wind development. We suggest this level of detail be included in documents related to offshore projects so important areas do not get missed or minimized. This can happen when federal and provincial jurisdiction overlaps or environmental studies do not have the same terms of reference.
The challenge for first-time and new projects is the lack of historical and baseline data for an area under consideration for development. For example, negative impacts on North American lobster may not be felt for five to seven years in the future.
In terms of fishing interactions, what types of gear restrictions may be applied within offshore wind farm areas? Some European offshore wind farms have prohibitions on bottom trawling due to concerns about interactions that may occur between trawl gear and the offshore sea-floor infrastructure. Do offshore wind companies plan to continue to allow fishing within lease areas? How are they going to minimize these interactions while ensuring the safety and livelihoods of fishers in these areas?
In Ireland, where fishing remains permitted, fishing effort has been shown to decrease due to fisher concerns about safety. In current marine spatial planning in the gulf region, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada is using adjacency estimates for catch locations, not factual data. What process will ensure data is reviewed with fishers to confirm that DFO's assumptions are correct?
There are concerns about acoustic impacts during the planning and construction phases of a farm or turbine construction, depending on the technology used—fixed or floating. What data is available on this? Acoustic noise from pile driving has been shown to have a wide range of negative impacts on many species. How will this be assessed? Disrupted behaviour among marine mammals occurs at ranges of many kilometres when interactions occur near noise sources. How will this be tracked?
How will acoustic noise from pile driving impacts on the health and behaviour of marine animals, including American lobster and various species of demersal fish, be assessed? How will the effects of increased shipping noise during construction be assessed? What types of tools will be incorporated into sea-floor mapping at lease sites? What is the lifespan of these units and who is responsible for dismantling and decommissioning costs?
We are very concerned about the use of seismic testing. It has been shown, both regionally and globally, to negatively impact various aspects of marine invertebrates' health and behaviour. Data is lacking on the long-term effects on reproduction and how future stocks could be affected by the development of offshore wind farms.
Electromagnetic fields, like those produced by the sea-floor cables used to transfer power from offshore wind farms to land, have the potential to negatively affect the early development of larval crustaceans in their vicinity. How will this be assessed?
Last but not least, the fishing industry has been working tirelessly to protect North Atlantic right whales with mitigation measures. Fishers have spearheaded the testing of lower breaking-strength ropes and surface rope. We've been asked to move our gear out of areas where right whales have been spotted. This will not be possible for floating turbines. How will collisions [Technical difficulty—Editor] be minimized? Shipping traffic will also increase during construction and maintenance. How will that density be assessed?
In summation, we currently know the value of our fisheries from both a monetary and community contribution perspective. It is critical that policies and decision-makers understand that large-scale ocean-based projects can have immediate and far-reaching negative aspects on our fisheries. Electric power is important. Food is more important. No project should proceed if our valuable Canadian food resources are put at risk.
Thank you.
I'm sorry I was a little over there, Chair.