Thank you, Mr. Patzer. I had provided an introduction to clause 62. If you like, I can read it again—slowly, because there's a lot to digest there—and you can follow the hopscotch, as you've said.
For the benefit of all members, I'll go over it once again.
For the consideration of clause 62, members of the committee will have noted that on the agenda, the amendments creating new clauses 62.1 and 62.2 come in the middle of amendments for clause 62. That is because the committee must study the proposed amendments in the order in which they would appear in the bill. The amendments creating new clauses 62.1 and 62.2 will therefore be moved and voted on during the study of clause 62. At the end, once all the amendments on clause 62 are disposed of, the committee will vote on clause 62 as amended or not. If amendments to create new clauses 62.1 and 62.2 are adopted, they will be reflected in the reprint of the bill that will be produced for use at report stage.
I hope that clarifies your question.