They've factored in the carbon price and it is still extremely profitable for them to do that.
I want to ask you, though, about this issue of intensity targets. I remember with the Harper government it was intensity targets all the time. It's sort of like we're being told, “Don't worry. If we deal with intensity targets, we're going to lower emissions.” It's kind of like telling people, “Listen, if you're a teenager and you smoke light cigarettes, you're not going to get cancer.” We haven't actually ever seen the emissions go down. The emissions have gone up consistently over the last 20 years.
How important do you think it is to put the full nature of the emissions in?
The emissions from oil and gas export are more than all the emissions put together in all the sectors. If we counted those in, would we have a much clearer picture of Canada's massive carbon imprint on the planet at this time of crisis?