Thank you to all my friends around the table, as we share our goal of actually getting to a cleaner emissions industry and economy across Canada. I'm glad everybody here is focused on that result.
Let me first of all congratulate Mr. Tarvydas on his company's being at the forefront of dealing with the capriciousness of foreign political short-term decisions, especially on Keystone XL, which would have lowered the emission intensity of all of the oil consumed in North America, which will now be displaced by foreign oil supplying the United States. That's one of the things we have to look at here: lowering the emissions for all the energy consumed in the world.
This brings me to my point. I'm going to ask Ms. Winter, because she's an economist and she and I speak somewhat the same language.
When you look at this foreign balance of trade, if you will, in Canada in 2020, the oil and gas industry accounted for about $86 billion of foreign trade, primarily with the United States, of course. If we took that off, do you know offhand exactly how much the balance of trade would be in Canada?