Yes, with regard to the alignment between the two provisions, we don't have a problem with that. We understand the need for that. We fully get that and fully respect that. However, it's the unconstitutionality of the Impact Assessment Act, in and of itself, that's embedded in this. That's where the issue lies. We're not opposed to making sure that things align. That is our job as legislators, to make sure that we pass good laws, which includes making sure that we have a bill that is in alignment, the way it should be. We should do that here, and that's what this amendment generally does.
However, the rest of the clause—and there are a few more clauses after it—is directly related and tied to the Impact Assessment Act, in particular to the parts of it that were ruled as largely unconstitutional. How can we proceed with a piece that references an unconstitutional document? Basically, what we're doing is making sure that both parts of the accord are unconstitutional now, too, by mirroring it. That's basically what's happening. That's where our concern lies.
From the justice department side, how can we proceed with that? I don't know how we can proceed with that, unless people around this table know the exact date when the government is going to be fixing the Impact Assessment Act. Maybe the government knows that, and it would be beneficial if it could tell us that. Maybe the department people know that. If you do, it would be beneficial to this committee, and also to Canadians and investors, to know when that certainty in that regulatory provision is going to come, because it's needed. That was the whole point of the reference case, because no government in Canadian history has ignored a reference ruling by the Supreme Court.
That's the foundational argument that we're trying to make here. Why are we proceeding with something that is unconstitutional?
Again, if somebody wants to let the cat out of the bag here and tell us when it's going to happen, that would help. Then we could go along with it because then we would know. To just say that the coming into effect date is going to be later, while we still don't know when the Impact Assessment Act is going to be fixed, that does nothing for us.
I hope you can appreciate the pickle that we seem to be in on this.