Thank you, Mr. Chair. I really appreciate that.
I just want to say that we have been very active on the agenda of moving forward on energy projects in Canada. We have launched more investment in clean energy initiatives than any other government in our history. We're helping communities right across Canada be able to transition from diesel generation to clean energy technologies and alternatives. We're continuing to do that.
What we've also found in this case is a huge reception by companies, especially companies that are working in rural and remote regions across Canada. We've particularly had a tremendous rapport with mining companies that want to get to a place where they're promoting green minerals and green products in the market. They take this very seriously, because they know that we live in a world today that we know to be competitive. To get the best market value for our products, we have to have green products. We have to be able to enter a supply chain that is delivering what the world will be demanding. That's what we're doing in Canada.
I don't expect my colleagues to completely understand the pace at which we are moving towards a clean environment, the way we're launching incentives to ensure that we are a country that is not going to be a follower but a leader in what the world markets are going to need. In fact, Mr. Chair, in Canada today, we have more mining development and interests in growing the resource economy than we've probably had in a very long time. That is because they see the opportunity to work with a government that is making concrete investments and that has a vision for where we want to go in Canada and in the world in bringing commodities to those markets. Also, it's because they know it's creating jobs, good jobs, in communities. I think that's critical when you look at the layout of Canada today and the fact that, no matter where you live, you should have those opportunities and should be able to have options for change. I think that, as a government, we are certainly giving people that right across the north.
Mr. Chair, I would like to move that we adjourn debate on the motion that has been brought forward, because I know I could spend at least the next two hours just talking about the great initiatives that we have launched around alternate energy development and the plans that we have to continue to grow that.
The Atlantic accords that we're dealing with today are just a small fraction of that. The fact that the Conservatives have not been supportive at all of what the people in Newfoundland and Labrador and the people in Nova Scotia want to do is absolutely shameful. They talk about creating a new economy, and when those provinces are willing to step up to do just that, they launch ways to put impediments and challenges in their paths so that they can't achieve the visions and goals they have for their provinces.
I'd just like to say that, Mr. Chair, and adjourn—