I can begin, if you like.
In terms of the diversity of the grids, it is both a strength and a challenge because there are such massive differences. It's a result, quite simply, as all members are well aware, of the different resource endowments in different areas of the country. There are some areas in this country where there is a lot of falling water, and other parts of this country happen to be very flat and don't have a lot of falling water. That results, of course, in some pretty significant challenges with respect to the clean electricity regulations, which impact different areas in different parts of this country in very different ways.
Would greater interconnection and more interties address this? That partly would when we look at different regions and the ability to lean on them. However, it's much as I said earlier with respect to technologies. Even the greater interconnection between grids is not a silver bullet to addressing the challenges we have in the different jurisdictions.