Mr. Friesen, Mr. Bradley and Mr. Egan, all of you in different ways have commented on the reality of the different grids, the regional and provincial differences. The Prime Minister says that our strength is diversity. That is very true of resources and electricity, although he seems to forget about that. I wonder if you might talk about the regional differences in the grid.
Also, there's the discussion on interties. In 2017, MP Falk and I were members of this committee, and a report was issued that recommended engagement with the provinces and territories to identify and address regulatory barriers to facilitate interties—interprovincial and Canada-U.S. ones—and to modernize electric systems and markets.
I would invite each of you to expand further on the issues with the diversity of grids between regions and provinces, the status of interties and the policy barriers that exist to expanding the grid and establishing interties. I'm wondering what your competing views on that might be.