Parkinson Society Canada has been contacted by individuals who have notified their employer that they had Parkinson's only to find a very short time later that they were without a job. They were either laid off or there was a restructuring. They end up without any plan such as Greg's, and they have to rely--specifically in Ontario--on the Trillium program, if they're under 65, and on the drug benefit plan if they're over 65. Therefore they are significantly limited in what they can afford.
We talked earlier about discrimination and some of the things that happen in the workplace. If you're fortunate enough to have the kind of plan you have, there is support. And even those are being cut back in the types.... I talked with Greg about the Botox treatment, and what he's experiencing now is just unacceptable. But somebody who would be on a government plan, the benefit plan in the province, would not even have access to that and would be relegated to an extremely poor quality of life.