Thank you.
You mentioned baby boomers. Certainly, I think we are going to be seeing an increase in the early onset of Alzheimer's because of the number of baby boomers who are coming up the ranks here. I think my sister was a prime example of that. My sister was very active and she did lots of reading. Sometimes we still shake our heads and ask, what's going on here?
I think there are a lot of people out there who may have it and don't know they have it. Dr. Lester and Mr. Mann certainly have indicated that, with respect to when it actually started, when the onset actually began.
And I think this would be part of the national strategy--how better to educate people to look for the signs, so that maybe some of the medication that is out there that would prevent or stop the progression.... I wonder if Dr. Lester and Dr. Diamond would like to comment on that.