Very briefly, Mike was talking about Down's syndrome and the gentleman who works for the Edmonton Oilers. In the Senate, we have a program called Friends of the Senate, and we also walk the walk when it comes to hiring. I just recently, three months ago, hired a Down's syndrome young man, age of 22. Mike is in the office and he just does everything. He's wonderful, and of course there's always humour in everything. It was his birthday the other day and he just wanted to sing Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. He wanted to do that. Everybody stopped and listened to him. He gave us a moment.
He was chatting with me and he looked behind me and he saw the picture of me and Jean Chrétien and Bill Clinton. He looked up and said, “Bill Clinton”, and I said, “My goodness, Michael, that's wonderful that you know who this is in politics. Would you know anybody else besides me and Bill Clinton in politics?” He looked and he said, “Yes, of course: Bob Dole.”