Autism Speaks Canada, very simply, raises money and gives out money. We raise money and we give out money to research communities through family services grants. It's our goal, through the resources we provide, our website, and the information we provide, to make the path a little straighter.
I also want to comment briefly on this idea of a summit and what Autism Speaks in the U.S. did very effectively for the adult community. If they can do it across the U.S., we can certainly do it across Canada. They had virtual sites set up where they hooked up stakeholders, policy makers, and members of service provider groups in centres across the U.S. Everyone voted on issues that were important to the adult community. They developed a strategy as a result of that.
The technology is there to do it virtually across centres. I think that's a really exciting concept. When the senator mentioned that, it struck me. I attended the central hub in Chicago to see how the technology worked. I think it's a fantastic concept, and we would be happy to lend our expertise in that.