Alex was first diagnosed a week before his second birthday, in October 2005. We were told to get him ready for 30 hours of IBI treatment, as he was priority number one. So our daughter and her husband worked on changing his sleeping habits and everything else in their life and their world to get him ready.
Then, in 2006, the list changed, and Alex went to the back of the list. Apparently, it went to a “first come, first served” basis.
We got a lot of information from the medical field on what direction we should be going, and everything pointed to the idea that we should get Alex into IBI treatment as soon as possible. So we started looking for instructor therapists and found a couple. We had a home program put together in Sudbury. The cost was nearly $70,000 to my daughter and her husband. It blew them away.
In September, I drove my daughter and my grandson to Toronto, and we met with Frank Klees and John Tory. We explained our story. We ended up meeting the Minister of Children and Youth Services, the Honourable Deb Matthews. Then, all of a sudden, my grandson got into the program.