In my experience, no one advocates like parents or grandparents of kids with autism. You've already established that you have the ability to meet with some key decision-makers. Your local MPP would be where you would start. Carol is your MP, but you would want to meet with your local provincial official as well. The Minister of Children and Youth Services, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Health—it's important to connect with all three ministries. That's one of the challenges. The ball gets tossed from one to another and there seems to be a lack of understanding that this is a bigger picture. You can't compartmentalize it in one place or another.
Mr. Rosenbaum, if you were to have five minutes to talk to a provincial official, a decision-maker, and you were able to tell this person what works for kids with autism, what would you say? Mr. Mottron might want to jump in on this too.