Research needs to be done on training because it draws on everything related to interpersonal emotion. Not just anyone can necessarily take part in an artistic, cultural and creative workshop, be filmed and want to enter into a relationship simply for the sake of it. This approach is not part of current training, not at the college level or at the university level.
Right now, we are learning how to carry out an intervention and put a program in place. We don't necessarily use everything related to the interpersonal and the emotional as a tool. I would like to continue research on this so that we can be even better equipped and better informed on possible content and profiles so that we can be more specific. In our jargon, we would say that we are doing social surgery. It's really image by image. We can really see the growth and creative process. We are talking about a wave and, at the end of the workshop, after five or six weeks, there has already been an increase in the concentration of participants and amount of time they can look at each other. We start one-on-one with what we call the serious cases, the cases having difficulty, institutionalized individuals.