Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'd like to pick up on what my colleagues have said.
I would support absolutely having two more hearings on MS. Something you should be aware of is that in the first week of March you have two major international conferences happening; one is in Italy and one is in Poland. I will not be here that week. I will be away, but we need to hear the latest data out of that fourth set of conferences.
We need to hear from people who have autism, and I'll support Patrick concerning the international strategies. What is going on overseas, and how can we blend with that, for example? I'm going to bring it back to the Year of the Brain, and there are other partnerships being built that we should be building on. Canada is going to play a major role in the next year.
On caregivers, I don't know whether we want to bring this piece in. I think we should talk about what our plans are going forward with this. Are we just going to write a report and say this is finished, or how do we keep the momentum up on this issue? Are we going to take a look at neurological conditions and the tie-in with mental health? They've been kept separate.