That's an interesting point. Unfortunately, since most places have been stopped--that's true in both Canada and the United States--the experience we have is related to reviewing data that has been sent to us from around the world: from Australia, Germany, China, and many places in Canada. So this does come from direct experience of reviewing patients' data. In some cases these patients have been operated on by people such as Dr. McDonald and others. We do find that what we see in imaging is often corroborated by the surgical results.
I think the critical issue for Canada right now is to wrap your arms around how you're going to implement this in your system so that a conventional hospital, whether it's a community hospital or a research hospital, is allowed to collect the extra scans that are done on most MS patients anyway. Almost all MS patients get an MR scan. By adding an extra 30 or 40 minutes to that, you can get the necessary information to tell if that patient has a problem. So why wouldn't you do that when you have the opportunity? I think the technology is there for you to assess this very shortly.