Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
First, I'd like to thank you for the kind invitation to this conference. I represent the Euromedic specialist clinic in Katowice, Poland, which I believe has performed the largest number of endovascular treatments for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in the world. Although we began those treatments only in October of last year, we currently perform about 20 procedures per week and the total number of people who have been treated is now about 400.
It's important to point out that the interventions for this venous problem in our department have been approved by the bioethical committee of the Regional Silesian Board of Physicians in Katowice, Poland. Because we collect all data regarding patients' history, clinical status, and the characteristics of the venous lesions that have been diagnosed, the analysis of this data set has enabled us to draw some conclusions regarding links between CCSVI and multiple sclerosis and also regarding the safety of the treatment.
First, CCSVI has been found to highly correlate with multiple sclerosis. Only 3% of the multiple sclerosis patients we have seen were not diagnosed with CCSVI, using colour Doppler sonography, magnetic resonance venography, and standard venography.
Secondly, localization and severity of venous lesions have been found to significantly affect the clinical course of multiple sclerosis. For example, injuries to the optic nerves were found more often in the cases with unilateral lesions in the internal jugular veins, while bilateral stenoses in the internal jugular veins correlated with a less frequent ocular pathology. More disabled patients were found to suffer from bilateral and/or severe occlusions of the internal jugular veins and the patients with stenosed azygous vein presented with the most aggressive clinical course of the disease.
These findings, in addition to preliminary observations that a substantial percentage of multiple sclerosis patients improved after endovascular interventions, favour the idea that surgical treatments for those venous obstacles should be an important part of the management of multiple sclerosis.
The most important question regarding treatment for CCSVI, however, regards the safety of such a management of venous outflow blockages. Such a management strategy is actually recommended by the consensus document of the International Union of Phlebology, as has been mentioned by Dr. Zamboni.
However, although similar endovascular procedures for the treatment of other venous pathologies or arterial pathologies are known to carry very low risk, an actual rate of complication related to such treatments for CCSVI remains undetermined, mainly because these procedures are not yet routinely performed in these cases. Moreover, recently in some neurological papers it has been claimed that surgical treatment for CCSVI can be dangerous. Interestingly, those statements were based only on the beliefs of the authors and not on the body of evidence. Contrary to those opinions, in our clinic we have demonstrated that these procedures are safe and are usually well tolerated by the patients.
The group of 347 CCSVI patients with associated multiple sclerosis have undergone a total of over 500 endovascular procedures, including 414 balloon angioplasties and 173 stent implantations. These procedures were performed during 341 interventions. In this group, there were only a few rather minor and occasional complications or technical problems related to the procedures.
Regarding life-threatening complications, there were no deaths, no major hemorrhages, no cerebral strokes, and no migration of the stent. Regarding major complications, there were only two early stent thromboses.
In two cases, there was a false aneurysm in the groin, but this was successfully treated with thrombin injection. In one case it was necessary to open the femoral vein to remove the velum. There were no injuries to the nerves.
Regarding other minor complications, there were some cardiac arrhythmias, some minor bleeding from the groin, some gastro-intestinal bleeding, some lymphatic cysts, and some technical problems. But all of these complications were minor and they did not produce more problems in the future. Therefore, in our opinion, precise preoperative diagnostics should consist of colour Doppler sonography and magnetic resonance venography.
Also, selective use of the stents, if balloon angioplasty is not successful, can make the endovascular management for CCSVI free of significant complications and, in terms of restoring the proper venous outflow, even more efficacious than performing balloon angioplasty in all cases.
However, the actual impact of the endovascular treatments for venous pathology on the clinical course of multiple sclerosis warrants more clinical studies and longer follow-ups.
Thank you.