Mr. Chair, I want to thank you and all the members of your committee for welcoming us here. We are delighted to have been invited to appear before you. Perhaps I should remind members that your committee supported the initiatives I am going to describe to you in a few moments, right from the start. I want to thank you for the support that you have shown us in recent years.
Mr. Chair, I want to congratulate you on your recent election as chair of this committee. It will be our pleasure to work with you and the members of your committee to ensure that our projects, which seek to guarantee access to services in French for francophones in minority communities, will be successful.
I am accompanied by two of my colleagues from the SSF board of directors. Donald DesRoches is Director of Acadian and Francophone Affairs for Prince Edward Island and Dr. Denis Fortier is regional chief of staff for the Regional Health Authority —Central Manitoba. My two colleagues reflect the make up of our board of directors, which consists of partners and others involved in health care, including doctors such as Dr. Fortier, government representatives, representatives of health care facilities or health care training institutions, and people from the community. All these people sit on the Société Santé en français board of directors.
I need to add that the chair of the board of directors, Ms. Rachel Bard, apologizes for not being here today. Ms. Bard is the Deputy Minister for the New Brunswick provincial government. As you know, there was an election there not so long ago, and new ministers have been appointed. She told me that she had to take care of her new minister. That is why she was unable to be with us today.
I want to take this opportunity to talk about the progress that has been made in the area of health care services in French for minority francophone communities. There are two or three things that I hope you remember more than anything else I may say today.
First, in September 2001, a study was done in cooperation with Health Canada what is called an advisory board, which still exists today and which I co-chair along with Mr. Nouvet from Health Canada. This committee discovered that more than half of the one million francophones living in minority communities did not have access to health care in French.
You may be wondering if this is a problem. Studies clearly show that there is a connection between the ability to obtain services in our mother tongue and the quality of care we receive. If we are unable to properly understand the professional, communication is diminished and, consequently, there will be health care problems, the doctor's instructions will be misunderstood or the prescription we are given will be misunderstood. Studies have clearly shown that the quality of services is clearly affected in the case of francophones who are unable to obtain services in their language. This is the first message. I think it is important to remember that we are addressing this problem. We are talking about the quality of services being provided to at least 500,000 francophones outside Quebec.
The study indicates that three important things need to be implemented in order to improve the situation for these francophones. The first thing is networking. Francophones outside Quebec need a place to discuss and address problems and propose solutions. Our organization was behind the implementation of 17 networks throughout the country. This means that there is a network in each province and each territory, except in Ontario, where there are four networks, and in New Brunswick, where there are three, given the population base in those regions. These 17 networks bring together the partners I mentioned earlier. We are all working together to achieve progress.
Mr. Chair, I want to highlight the fact that these networks are based on a model inspired by an idea put forward by the World Health Organization. We did not invent it; rather we borrowed it from other countries, and it is working.
When the partners work together, the projects are more successful. This reality underlies the principle of networking.
I must say that the Société Santé en français is not a lobby group, but rather a partner that wants to work with the federal and provincial governments to improve access to health care in French. I think that my message to you—this idea of partnership—is important. That is what our networks are doing with the front line workers.
Second, I want to talk about training. We said that it was important to be able to talk about our problems; however, there is a serious shortage of professionals: available doctors, nurses, social workers and other professionals able to provide services in French.
Serious problems have been identified. As a result, training was another very important priority. So, the training consortium was created and, over the past three or four years, there have been 1,500 more people enroll in health care training to become doctors, nurses and so forth. Already, there are nearly 300 graduates.
The consortium is one of the sister organizations with which we are collaborating. I would encourage you to speak with the consortium or invite it to speak to you about the important work it is doing. Ten colleagues and universities belong to this consortium.
Third, I want to talk about services. It is all fine and well to have networks and to be able to think, plan and organize. It is good to have professionals, but to do anything we need to have the means, the facilities and the ideas to ensure that the average citizen has better access tomorrow.
We have implemented over 70 projects and initiatives throughout the country, in order to improve accessibility. These projects are being conducted in cooperation with hospitals, community health care centres such as the ones in Cornwall, Saint-Boniface and New Brunswick and the one currently being set up in Edmonton. These are all examples of new and successful initiatives. A little later, one of my colleagues will tell you more about such projects.
We believe that these achievements would not have been possible without an investment from Health Canada. The networking was spread over a five-year period, and the funding was $2 million per year, for a total of $10 million. Training, which required the lion's share of the funding, cost $63 million over five years. Finally, services cost $20 million over a three-year period ending in March 2006. I will tell you more about this in a moment.
We would like to take two minutes to show you a video about one of our initiatives. I should point out that the people you will see are real people and real professionals. They are not actors. This is not something we made up: it is very real. We wanted to visit the front lines to see whether the services we are providing are working.
Are we ready? Technology is wonderful when it works.
[Audiovisual presentation]