The motion is clearly not restrictive. If it were, the committee would lose its purpose. It is our mandate to study all that is done in government and to provide our advice.
We voted on Bill S-3. How can we now be told that a measure, which causes a significant part of this legislation to be inoperative, does not fall under our purview? That is completely inconsistent. I understand that the Conservatives have a habit of being inconsistent. Bill S-3 was adopted, and francophones outside Quebec are being denied the means to challenge the legislation.
Moreover, the prime minister said in the House of Commons that he was governing in good faith, and that people would not need to protest. However, no one is perfect. I am not presuming what people want, I am saying that Mr. Petit's claim is inoperative. If not, we should just pick up our marbles and go home, because there is nothing left for us to do on the Standing Committee on Official Languages. We should not be so disingenuous about something that, after all, is well within our mandate.