Good morning, Ms. Bouchard, Ms. Robert, and Mr. Laflamme. This question may be for Ms. Robert and perhaps Mr. Laflamme. I'm not sure Ms. Bouchard is familiar with the subject I wish to raise.
I am from the province of Quebec, home of Canada's francophone majority. We, in the federal government, want to fix the problem of excessive wait times for health care. That is one of our five priorities. In Quebec, there have been some unique events: because of the difficulties we were having in providing timely care to patients in our hospitals, we sent some of them to the United States for cancer treatment. So they were sent to an English-speaking area.
Witnesses have told us, not so long ago, that when patients are fearing for their lives and they realize that the wait time is shorter for services in English — that is, to be treated in an English-speaking hospital rather than a French-speaking one — they choose the English-speaking one because their lives are at stake. The language issue suddenly becomes secondary. I'd like to know your position on that. After all, we have to provide funding to organizations like yours for them to be able to continue operating.
The Société Santé en français appeared before us. Its representatives impressed me because they brought up a large number of subjects. They told us about the work right there in the field. I do not know whether you are familiar with that organization. I see Ms. Bouchard indicating that she is. I would like to know whether you support its way of doing things, without getting into any criticism of that organization. Should we give money directly to organizations like that, in your opinion, or is there a need for a supervisory committee?
Perhaps Ms. Robert could answer, she talked about CLSCs a bit earlier. I sense that she has a lot of skill in the field of administration.