You will never forget that one. I would like to make a comment before asking Mr. Laflamme a question.
There is reason for concern when a government undertakes a reform. When the government decided to review the health care system in New Brunswick, to make some changes and rationalize it, the francophones really suffered. In the Acadian Peninsula, two hospitals were closed down and replaced by clinics. This had a terrible impact. The population was divided. Communities were fighting each other, and the links have never been restored. The government must work in consultation with the public, and not simply dictate its decisions as if they were the only acceptable ones. That is not the right way to operate. I think we experienced this first hand in New Brunswick.
Earlier you were talking about something that had been done, Mr. Laflamme, that was not expensive—only $200,000. Could you tell us how you can pay nurses, doctors and cover other expenses with $200,000, including costs related to the building. Something must not have been included in the calculations, because the building alone must cost more than that. Perhaps it is the fact that for francophones, the government generally spends less.