I will ask you another question.
You know, Mr. Minister Solberg, that before you got your limousine, you would take a taxi as would I, to go to the airport. How many times have you and I spoken to taxi drivers who turned out to be professionals? I use this as an example. These are people who live here in Canada, and who have training and so forth.
The committee is studying the issue of French in the health care sector, while there are qualified people whose credentials are not being recognized.
This morning, members of one group told us that the problem these professionals have is not really their training, but that it is rather an issue having to do with their culture, customs, roots, etc.
What will happen in the future? Do you have any programs that will allow these people to integrate into Canadian society? I find this situation most unfortunate. It would be a different story if we had a surplus of professionals, but that is not the case. They closed the hospital in Caraquet because of a shortage of doctors; they closed the hospital in Dalhousie because of a shortage of doctors; they closed the hospital in Lamèque because there was a shortage of professionals. In the meantime, we are getting into taxis and talking to drivers some of whom are doctors, but they are doctors who cannot practise their profession.
I would like to know once and for all what your department is doing. We can talk all we want, but when you were in the opposition, you talked and talked and talked. Now that you are on the government side, we want to know what you intend to do to allow these people to practise their trade, which is something they love. I find that this is an unacceptable loss.