You have many questions.
Yes, in fact, people were mobilized; this was recently discussed in Ottawa. Thus, I am very glad to know that the country is awakening to this issue.
Yes, Newfoundland used the Court Challenges Program several times. To my knowledge, this probably dates back to 1985 or 1986, when they wanted to have French-language schools in St. John's. Then, once we won that case, the movement slowly spread to other places where people wanted schools. I think that even some Goose Bay residents used the program and, as I said, there is a case currently before the court in southern Labrador.
We must not forget the school management issue. You can ask any current or former member of the Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve-et-du-Labrador: without this program, we would probably not be managing our schools yet. The battle was long and hard. Without the program, we would not have won.
I cannot tell you exactly how many times we used it, but I know that we did use it without any doubt.
I do not know whether I have answered all your questions. I took some notes, but were there any other details you wanted to know about?