Indeed. That's too bad, but they can't dedicate themselves entirely to their art, and I mean that in the broadest sense of the term.
As I said during my presentation, we need financial and human resources to bolster the project. By this we don't mean an independent organizational structure, but rather simply having one person in charge.
Phase 1 of the cultural positioning project helped us realize that there was a need out there. As an example, I mentioned Mr. Georges, who surveyed every school and immersion class, and then contacted them all via an e-mail link to announce upcoming shows. He did this on his own time and on part of his association's time as well. But this wasn't fair to the association's members. When I was working on this file, I also worked on it when I could find a moment between my administrative duties. But that's not how you get the job done.
Here is another example. We have always taken part in the Dictée des Amériques. Our students always did extremely well. Even though we live in a small province and manage our own schools, and are being assimilated at an alarming rate, as is the case in other provinces, two of our students won the Dictée des Amériques: one in the junior category and the other in the senior category. I am extremely proud of that.
Again, this event requires an enormous amount of time. We need to organize regional qualification rounds by letting people know about them; we need to send out documents and make sure that everything is ready, and that the community does its job. This all takes time. But if two people were hired for this type of work, we could save at least two weeks worth of work. You might say that two weeks out of 52 is not a lot, but it is if you have other work to do. So these are more concrete examples of what we are accomplishing in the area of culture.
You mentioned creating a link with the economy. Josée could speak to that more at length. We have something called the Francoboutique. I am not an Internet surfer, and I apologize for that. It is not my preferred way of communicating or of getting information.