You referred earlier to the FCFA document that talks about education levels, francophone populations, etc. I simply want to clarify that. We are finishing up a community profile on the Port-au-Port Peninsula. We are applying the old saying “Know thyself.” We are currently doing a detailed study of each of the three francophone regions in order to determine what the needs are. At this point we have found that the francophone population from the Port-au-Port Peninsula has a lower level of education and income on average than the anglophones there. I wanted to clarify that. It is not quite the same situation as in St. John's, but still.
We also wanted to determine community needs. As Cyrilda mentioned, we are not yet at the point of developing an immigration strategy. For my part, I would like to see us identified the needs in our communities. In Labrador, for example, although we do need lawyers and doctors, what we really need are blue-collar workers. We need working people to go there. We will need skilled workers, engineers and people with more technical specialties to work in management at the mines. That is the policy that will apply. Last year, we took part in consultation with the provincial government, which wants to develop an immigration strategy. We will continue to cooperate with them to try to attract people that are suitable to each region. As I said, we need more blue-collar workers in some areas and more white-collar workers in others. This is always done in consultation with the province.