The Court Challenges Program was obviously essential and crucial in getting our six schools. We had two, and, if we hadn't taken the Government of Prince Edward Island to court to get schools in the regions that didn't have any, that is Summerside, West Prince and Rustico first of all, we still might not have our schools today.
It's thanks to the Court Challenges Program that we were able to get to the Supreme Court to win the right to have our schools in our communities.
Before that, we sent our children to Francophone schools by bus, and the trip sometimes took more than an hour.
Even now, at least two or three of our schools don't have adequate facilities. They are currently in leased buildings or leased space. One primary school, among others, shares a building with a bar, and the facility is distinctly inadequate.
We were even about to prepare and file another application with the Court Challenges Program to make some progress on that school issue.