The action plan is a huge bureaucratic structure with lots of resources, and it's a little bit like the mouse taking on the elephant. We in the Quebec Community Groups Network simply did not have the resources to successfully derive much benefit from the action plan when it was introduced. We were simply too small, without the capacity to approach Ottawa with the information, the applications, and the support to follow through and deliver from the action plan. Our own local infrastructure was just too thin. We believe that we've made significant progress in moving ahead in the direction of building a stronger infrastructure to be able to make better use of some of those resources, and we certainly hope to do so in the future.
The second point I'd like to make is that when there is a program of that nature, it would be extremely constructive, from my perspective, if there were some kind of dialogue with the community prior to implementation of the program, because we would find the whole program a lot easier to access if (a) we had some preliminary knowledge of it, and (b) we had indicated some of the particular priorities that we wanted to see in it that perhaps might have been acceptable to the policy-makers.