Unilingual anglophones are generally no longer around. There are a few left, but not many. The English-speaking community has recognized that speaking French is essential. We applaud that. It's extraordinary—there is an advantage for everyone who speaks two or more languages.
However, we are talking not only about language but also culture. The city of Sherbrooke was founded and built by anglophones. The Eastern Townships were also built by anglophones. But what is happening today? The names are being changed, historic names that meant something, like the names of some founders. Those names are being scrapped and replaced by the names of Quebec politicians.
Is this a good way to encourage a country's culture to flourish? We might well ask that question. You can scratch the names off street signs, but you cannot change history. The history is still there, and there comes a time where people start to ask the right questions, like: Why are these names being changed? I believe that culture is essential to every individual. It's not only a question of language, but also a question of the culture associated with the language. That is what we wish to maintain.
However, I should add that it is undoubtedly easier for a young anglophone to move to another part of Canada or to another part of the world, since English is understood almost everywhere. Moreover, young anglophones probably have family in Calgary or Vancouver, making things even easier. Air Canada takes advantage of that, because Quebec anglophones travel a great deal to visit family members in other parts of the country.
There are questions we need to ask. Is Canada better served? Is Quebec better served by the presence of a well-developed and dynamic English-speaking community? I would say yes. It is of benefit to everyone. Francophones in Quebec regularly ask us to speak to them in English. When we walk into a store, we are asked to speak English. People want to learn English. We also want English taught in schools. English is being taught earlier in schools in the province, and that is a good thing.