Good morning.
My name is Marcelle Jomphe-LeClaire and for the past three years I have been the President for the South-Western region of the Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l'Ontario. I am also the Secretary and Treasurer of the provincial board. My region extends from Oshawa to Windsor, and to Penetanguishene in the north.
At the provincial level, we are involved in projects involving strategies and partnerships. Member clubs are grouped in five major regions. In the east, it is the region of Ottawa, that is, the south-central and south-western areas. It is easy to become confused, but schools fall under the south-central area, whereas we are in the south-western part. We also have the central-northern and the upper-northern regions.
The federation supports coordination and training, and is involved in regional projects. It has 90 local clubs which represent approximately 8,000 members. FAFO encourages clubs to diversify their membership and to give them the opportunity to develop as people, but also to provide information in every sector to ensure their protection and that of the most disadvantaged.
This is the mandate of the federation: to acknowledge, promote and defend the rights of francophone seniors and retirees; to bring together people over the age of 50 so they can become more socially involved together; to identify the needs of seniors and retirees and to help them find the services they need so that governments, associations and private organizations can better target their services to this clientele. We need to provide communication, information, awareness and training services to our members in order to foster volunteering and openness towards others by creating alliances and partnerships.
Today, health care, justice, the fight against violence, a sense of belonging, committed volunteerism, employment retention, social commitment, communication and the dissemination of information are the organization's main concerns.
Since becoming a member of FAFO, I have realized that francophones, especially seniors, don't have it easy in Ontario. They have a lot of problems and must meet many challenges. Something a friend of mine said several years ago has stayed with me. This friend had moved to Oshawa, far away from her family. When she went to the hospital to give birth to her child, she did not understand English. The doctors and nurses were talking to her, but she did not understand. It was then, she told me, that it was not easy giving birth in English.
Some of our groups have been in this area for nearly 60 years. We celebrated the 50th anniversary of our club and the 40th anniversary of the parish. So we are dealing with many groups who have been around for a fairly long time. For those people who got together or who tried to learn English, things are going fairly well, but it really is difficult for those who cannot speak English. The health of seniors is in jeopardy when there are no services in French. One of the reasons or excuses we hear—it doesn't matter how you define it—is that we are located close to Toronto. It seems that many services are available in Toronto. But in our region, there are practically none.
I retired four years ago, and since then, I have tried to make progress in this field. I participated in information days for seniors living in Oshawa. Everything was done in French, which was greatly appreciated. But I think that there really is a lack of French services. We organize meetings precisely on health care services. We would really like to have some place where our members could go to be cared for in their own language, but that's difficult.
A person who has reached a certain age and who receives a medical prescription, and who is told by the doctor to take these pills twice a day does not always remember what instructions were given. This person might then take the medication three times a day or only once. This endangers people's health, and it's not a new phenomenon. The situation must be addressed. In Oshawa, I really feel that our municipal counsellors—in fact, we are in election mode—and members of Parliament want to help. These people truly want to discuss these matters with us to find a solution.
However, one problem remains. People still believe that francophones represent an ethnic group, as someone mentioned a little earlier.
Last year, I sat on a city hall committee. We were dealing with the WinterLights Celebrations. It involves people visiting various Canadian cities, and the one with the best Christmas decorations is chosen as the winner. Last year, Saint John, New Brunswick, won. At a meeting of this committee, I was asked how we celebrate Christmas, that is, francophones, as an ethnic group, at the Amicale du Centre Communautaire Francophone de la Région de Durham, in Oshawa.
City hall representatives should be more in touch with our reality. I told that we do not form an ethnic group. Canada has two official languages: French and English. The people around me were stunned.
A lot of work still has to be done to raise awareness, and we absolutely have to make sure that francophones have access to services in French if they want to live their lives fully.
I was born in Quebec but raised in Ontario. I learned English in school. This may have made life easier for me, because if I go some place where no one speaks French, I can easily express myself in English. However, it's not the same situation for other people. When I go to Montreal or some place where most people speak French, I feel at home, I feel I am in my element. I think that we need this. There's no doubt that francophones need to have access to services in French to live their lives fully.