Ms. Ferenczy, you said earlier, when you were talking about your organization, Canadian Parents for French, that the development of your children is very important, as is the opportunity to gain experience in other countries. I wanted to make a comment at that point, but I did not have enough time. I understood that this is what you want, what you are hoping for, but that you were not consulted and then the cuts came. That's what this mean. Once again, we have come back to the same thing.
What really got me earlier, was the comment made by my conservative colleague who said that we would put an end to the development of our young people, that we would educate them here, in Canada. That is one thing. However, my understanding is that they were going to be educated in accordance with the conservative doctrine and that we would not give them the opportunity to gain experience elsewhere.
That is exactly what I understood by the comment that we would educate our young people as we saw fit and that we would ensure that they would not discover what is going on elsewhere. We see this in other countries, at present. Indeed, in some countries, there is an attempt to do a complete about face, whether this be with respect to women or young people. We are presented with philosophies of this nature and I just don't get it.
However, we, the francophones outside Quebec, are trying to develop as much as possible. I come from a rural region of New Brunswick. You can't get any more rural than that. It is said that we live in the boonies, and that's true. Nevertheless, we travel in order to discover the world, to discover the other provinces in the country, to discover other countries and we are proud about that. I do not understand why the government does not want the same thing for its children. I am stupefied because I just simply don't get it.
I do not know if you wish to make any comments. If so, you may.