We need a land of welcome, and everything has to be built. That is one of the reasons for the plea I made earlier about the $900 million that is pending.
We have to convince immigrants who settle in Ontario to go up north, where job opportunities are available. Approximately 64% of immigrants settle in Toronto. At the present time, there is practically full employment in Sudbury. The mining industry is doing well. We have great jobs for new Canadians, but we cannot do this alone. We need appropriate structures to help immigrants get settled and mechanisms whereby we can recognize the education they received in their own country, so that we can tell them they don't have to start their training all over again, or study the same programs a second time, because we recognize that their certification is valid.
At the present time, we have no supports that would allow us to investigate or analyze the file of an immigrant from another country that we know little or nothing about. How can we more effectively facilitate new Canadians' transition to Canada, to our educational system, for the purposes of completing their education, if need be, and particularly outside Toronto? Toronto and Montreal are not the only places to go. It would be nice to have direct incentives for new Canadians to encourage them to settle in Sudbury, Timmins, Hearst, and so on.
We really do have our work cut out for us in that respect.