Thank you.
The first thing I must say is that there will be a different impact on the magazine I publish, because our situation is extremely precarious and our commercial advertising base is much smaller because, as I told you, the federal government is no longer advertising with us. Furthermore, this magazine has a much smaller subscriber base—the business world outside Quebec—and cannot appeal to Microsoft, for example, which does not advertise in a magazine that distributes fewer than 100,000 issues. So, right from the start, this really threatens the future of the only business magazine, which, in passing, is printed on glazed paper and looks very nice. We hear a lot of positive comments about it.
As for the newspaper, we already announced that we would be increasing the subscription price. We have also increased our advertising prices. We hope that the community will be able to absorb this increase. In a year, I can give you a much better answer, but at present I am going to transfer the shortfall to my community; I have no other choice.
Second, of course, we are devising several other advertising projects through which we may be able to collect several thousand dollars in profits here and there on various projects that could make up at least in part for the loss of this $40,000. As I told you, Le Voyageur has never had a $40,000 profit. So it is clear that if we don't want to run a deficit and if we want to pay back our debts, as you say, we'll have to find other means.
However, I think it would be even simpler if the federal government were to compensate this 25% cut in its Publications Assistance Program.
The other possibility would be to tell Canada Post that, although we understand why it is making that action and does not want to give any more money to Rogers Communications, which has more money than the former does, it must still take into consideration the impact of this decision on francophone communities and respect Bill S-3 and the Official Languages Act—