I believe British Columbia is the number two destination for immigrants. As the provincial premier said, our objective is to be the number one destination in the country, and we're not very far from becoming that, especially since the 2010 Olympic Games are a major contribution.
As I said earlier, regarding the second part, perhaps we could clarify that wording relative to the agreement. We could say that French-language services should be the following, and then enumerate them.
However, that should also be done by the Francophone community at all levels. We're talking about taking immigrants in and orienting them from their arrival. However, as soon as they're in the Francophone community, they also have to be welcomed into the Francophone community and integrated socially, economically and culturally.
The schools also need funding so they can take in these immigrants and, in some instances, provide some children with remedial instruction. They mustn't be turned down, since they are the rights holders for these services. Something should be done for the schools that are so much in demand for this.
Resources should also be made available to the Francophone community to take these immigrants in.