Thank you for the question.
I believe we already gave a partial answer to that question. We did say that francophones in Alberta are dispersed. Clearly, it is easier to group people together in the Edmonton area and in other, similar centres. There are francophones all over the place. We are still looking for other schools. Even in the Edmonton area, we anticipate the need for a school in Sherwood Park. We may also need a school in southern Alberta and another one in the north.
There is also another thing: we have to get people to understand the difference between an education in immersion, which is basically designed for anglophones who have never known French, and a francophone education, which includes a whole cultural dimension. There are still francophones who don't understand that distinction. And for some students, whose parents or grand-parents were francophone, but who have lost their language to some extent, there is some francization to be done.
It is a bit of a shame that only 15% of eligible students use French-language schools. There is definitely some work to be done. That is also more or less included in the projects proposed by the Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones. We are considering the need to set up an identification, information and outreach campaign for parents. So, clearly, there is work to be done in that area.