It is now up to me to tell you about our challenges. I will try to do that relatively quickly.
First of, political will is fragile and it has always been that way in Saskatchewan. Under the current government, we have experienced some success. But we know full well that there could soon be a change in government. What would that mean for our community and our schools? We don't know.
Second, there has been a decline in the francophone population. It has to do with a decrease in the birth rate, francophones are not having enough children. The survival of francophone culture and of our schools is at risk because of this. Love is not something we can control, but we can look to other options like immigration.
Third, we rely very much on technological infrastructure. In the past, the federal government offered a number of programs. Industry Canada, for one, set up very nice networks for us. However, networks get set up and all of a sudden funding dries up. By this we mean funding for networks, technology, and distance learning.
Fourth, let's address the issue of marketing and telecommunications. Currently, 80% of families whose children go to our schools are exogamous. How can we reach out to families that are still entitled to French-language education? In 80% of households the language that is spoken is probably English.
Fifth, there is the issue of funding. Thirteen per cent of our budget comes as a result of a federal-provincial agreement. If ever there were to be a change to that percentage, it would cause major problems.
Sixth, there is the issue of integrated services in the schools. By this we mean health care, justice, social services and the recruitment of specialists. In Saskatchewan, our schools are probably the only recognized institutions not flowing from an associations which receive serious funding. We are points of service for justice, health care and social services.
What do we have to recommend and what are we asking for? First off, we absolutely must reconsider the issue of the national child care strategy. This program must matter to all, including all parliamentarians. I do not want to play political games, but I would say that it is an important and essential program. Why is that? Because our culture is at risk. Our youth are not necessarily hungry, but our culture is at risk.
Second, we ask for support in the field of immigration. One hundred years ago, my family came here from Europe. Everybody in Canada comes from somewhere else. We absolutely must encourage francophone immigration to western Canada, specifically Saskatchewan, because we need that.
Third, with respect to technology, we need programs to support the implementation and maintenance of technological networks and infrastructure.
Our fourth recommendation has to do with a national marketing campaign. This is something we've discussed at the Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones. I would like to ask you please to carefully consider this matter. It is important.
Fifth, we would call for the reinstatement of the Court Challenges Program. Our network would not exist today had we not received money under this program. As I've said: political will is fragile.
Thank you.