Mr. Perreault, I noted the very interesting statistics on the assimilation rates of the communities outside Quebec, and I can assure you that we're very much aware of the situation. As you live in French-speaking Manitoba, you recognize it as well.
However, for some time now, we've seen a new reality: immersion schools. Moreover, you or someone else talked about that. You said that there were 45,000 Francophones in Manitoba, but there were 110,000 persons there who spoke French. Outside Quebec, there are currently 2.6 million persons who speak French.
Those numbers are quite large. They're numbers that the FCFA gave us at the last meeting. Perhaps they should be checked.
Considering that there are some six million Francophones in Quebec and that we think our language is threatened, there are two options: we turn inward and protect what we have, or we create partnerships with other people who have the same objectives.
Is that something you're considering? For example, is Impératif français communicating with people outside Quebec for the purpose of creating alliances? In a North American context, it would make sense to add 50% to our numbers.