Your first question was on the quality of language. When an official has to provide services to Canadians in both official languages, or in one or the other official language, I expect that service or those services to be delivered in quality French or quality English. The same goes for writing.
With regard to respecting language of work, in the federal government that responsibility is the supervisor's. The supervisor must achieve an identified level in the federal administrative system, a level C. Will that person be perfectly bilingual? No. Very few people are. Personally, I know only a few people who are.
Does linguistic duality in Canada mean that everyone speaks both official languages perfectly? No. I believe that the two languages — English and French — are spoken differently in Canada. Immigrants to Canada adopt either English or French, and master it to varying degrees. In my opinion, they should not feel self-conscious, or be ashamed about speaking one or the other of the two languages, since it is in speaking that we improve our language skills.
I am certainly not an Académie française fanatic.