One of the questions I have, and I'm a bit fascinated—maybe out of a bit of understanding or the research I've done—at the whole aspect of horizontal governance and I guess what I would describe as the.... When the whole concept of horizontal governance came into action—whether in the private sector and then leading into the public sector—there was a feeling that by flatlining and moving in that direction, it would a lot more all-encompassing, a lot more of a process in which employees and employers could actually work together and drive the companies to greater heights, both internally and externally. The difficulty with this was that the practice worked extremely well in theory, but not in practice.
So when I look at your recommendation in terms of ensuring the effectiveness of the horizontal governance mechanisms of Canada's linguistic policy, I wonder (a) how that would work from a practical perspective, and (b) the one thing that would be beneficial is if we were able to measure those outcomes...and whether we would set standards to meet those outcomes and therefore have something to actually measure them against.
I'm wondering if you could comment on both of those questions.