Thank you.
Now let me get to the question that I really want to ask you and that follows up on Mr. Nadeau's question. It deals with comments that we heard. I think that the committee is far more advanced in its work since it met with almost 10 witnesses before meeting with you this morning. We're now at the point where we're asking ourselves the following question: Perhaps the Court Challenges Program should not be reinstated in the exact same format as we had previously.
As people with experience in the field, as well as having given a great deal of thought to this question, I'd like to hear your views on this. I agree with the fact that the program could be improved. What would you add to this program? If you don't have time to answer my question, because I only have five minutes, I really would like you to send the chairman of this committee a brief that could guide us and that we could incorporate in our report to the minister.
Ms. Aucoin, I would put the question to you first.