We have been working on gaining social economy enterprise status for the past year, and we meet all of the criteria. Allow me to provide some examples as to how our community radio stations are active in the social economy and the field of community development. I was the CEO of a very successful community radio station in Shediac called Radio Beauséjour; I am sure Mr. Godin is familiar with it. Radio Beauséjour regularly organizes fundraisers to help, amongst others, shelters for women who are victims of domestic violence, etc. We always raise between $130,000 and $140,000. The money goes directly to firefighters, for example, or to other groups. All of that should be taken into consideration.
I believe that community radio stations in the north of the province are also doing the same. All members representing a riding that has a community radio station know full well the role these radio stations play in the socio-economic development of the regions they serve. We fully meet the definition of a social economy enterprise.
Community radio is often the voice of the community. For example, it is community radio that can reach the French-speaker in Toronto. In other words, community radio allows everybody, be it women or young people, to speak out on any subject, be it culture or the economy. It is the voice of the people. When you look at all that they do, I do not see how community radio stations could not be considered as social economy enterprises. Without wishing to be arrogant, I would even say that we are leading the way in the social economy.