I'm going to speak to you about a system that may interest you.
Generally speaking, community groups are dealing with a problem — and I imagine that this is your case as well — that is to say, that people are not really aware of the effort made by the population to support community radio. They have a vague idea, but they do not know precisely how many people are involved.
I noticed, in the case of certain community groups, that after having seen the financial report, auditors agreed to add the number of volunteer hours carried out in the form of a note, while specifying what that work represented in terms of money. By doing that, they make sure that funders do not get the impression that these groups are begging for funding for operations. They see that people have already done their part and that it is fair for the government to provide a contribution. I do not know if you find the idea interesting, but I must say that for myself, in similar cases that I have seen, I have been able to have a better idea of the real work being done and the participation of people from the community.
You also talked about the cost of auditing. Your recent answers lead me to believe that it is not included in the $71 million. Am I right?