Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
We have a minister responsible, and she's from the political field. She's the person who tells the officials, following political decisions, how the structures should be developed. The fact that she was around in the year 10 or the year 1 before Jesus Christ is not very important: she's the political person responsible in the context of this matter.
In these conditions, the motion introduced is entirely honourable. We're asking the minister to come and explain to us parliamentarians points that we consider problematical and that are part of a file that is her political responsibility. We must vote in favour of this motion, since we're asking the person concerned, the minister, to come and do what she must do to clarify matters for us. If we have specific questions to ask her concerning structures, it is up to her to answer us, not officials who are locked into a structure that they have no power to change.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.