First, we have only had the right to a French education for 15 years. It was illegal in Saskatchewan. So, it has been only 15 years. There was a private school in Gravelbourg that offered French courses. Quite often, it offered such courses throughout all of the west. In Ponteix, there is a small school in a community centre, and we often use video conferences to provide various other courses. This school has only one resource staff member, meaning a teacher who is responsible for running the school and who does everything with an assistant. We use all possible means to provide services to the young in our community. Ponteix is approximately one hour from Gravelbourg. Some parents, because this school has only six or seven students, opt to send their kids to Gravelbourg at their own expense. That is more or less how we manage. At the same time, we are trying to develop the economy in this community to attract new families who speak French, among other things.
As I said, there is a lot of innovation in Saskatchewan: we don't have a choice. When someone asks for a service to be provided, we do everything we can to ensure that it is.